Customer Success Story
As part of a Swedish Telco Routing Optimisation (RO) project, there was a requirement for Wizuda MFT to collect all the source Call Data Record files from the customer’s Callgate switches. Located in Germany, they were to be securely delivered into the iCONX RO system for processing on-site at the customer’s data centre in Stockholm. A time-critical process, it required error checking, archiving, and ultimately, purging of processed files in line with the client’s data retention policy.
This on premise Wizuda implementation consisted of Test, Pre-Prod/UAT and Production environments, with Production having a Disaster Recovery/High Availability duplicate failover site; all contained the following 3 server types:
- Web server: managing all web traffic and front-end application administration.
- Application server(s): managing all data transfer processes, the number of which can run into multiples depending on requirements i.e. how zoned, separated, or firewalled the network is, and how many instances might be required.
- Web server: SQL database backend containing all the transfer details, history, and logs.
This partially managed service is maintained through the iCONX/Wizuda site-to-site VPN, see diagram below
This Wizuda DMaaP implementation was carried out as part of the overall iCONX Routing Optimisation project; there were 5-10 people involved on the customer side and three from the Wizuda side. In line with Prince 2 methodology, the project followed the seven interconnected phases from start up through UAT implementation and test to post-sign off Production and close.