What is Wizuda SARs Management?

Wizuda is an enterprise software solution which enables your organisation to;

  • Centralise how digital subject access requests are managed
  • Standardise how requests are received and fulfilled
  • Demonstrate GDPR compliant subject access request management
  • Reduce the cost and administrative burden of manual request management
  • Generate operational efficiencies
  • Accelerate the time from request receipt to fulfilment
  • Ensure a positive customer/requester experience

Manage Requests from Receipt to Fulfilment

wizuda secure file sharing and email security

Improve Operational Efficiencies

Manually collating request information is laborious and costly. Stressful too, given the tight deadline pressures under the GDPR. Wizuda enables you to put your resources to what they do best. Don’t waste any more time scrambling to pull together requests from multiple solutions. Allow Wizuda to streamline and simplify request management from receipt to fulfilment.

Ensure a Consistently Positive Requestor Experience

How efficiently your organisation manages subject access requests says a lot about your brand and the importance you place on both customer service and data privacy. Wizuda SARs ensures people who make data subject requests to your business will receive a best in class requestor experience.


Prove Compliant Request Management

Simply fulfilling requests is not sufficient. Organisations need to be able to generate the necessary evidence to prove requests have been satisfactorily handled. Wizuda enables you to prove you have delivered on your requests within the SLAs at the click of a button. Our advanced reporting features ensure you have an audit trail and compliant SARs processes, enabling you to pass audits quickly and more easily.

Avoid the Most Common Data Breach

One of the most common breaches reported by national data protection commissioners, is people sending information to the wrong recipient. Wizuda SARs is designed with safeguards to mitigate such risks. For added security you also have the option to automate the ID verification process.

digital subject access requests
digital dubject access requests

Reduce Costs with our Full End to End Encryption

No more USB encryption, SFTP servers or messing with encryption keys and complex usage instructions. Automatically have peace of mind that all messages and files are encrypted as standard, both in transit and at rest.

Enjoy Secure, Real Time Request Delivery

When you choose Wizuda SARs, delivery of requests is instant and in real-time resulting in an improved requestor experience. You no longer have to encrypt USB keys and deliver requests by secure courier or registered post, saving you time, money and administrative resources.

digital subject access requests management

Fulfil your legal requirements with Wizuda SARs Management and benefit from a much greater level of data security for your business.

Wizuda SARs Product Highlights

Core Features
Customisable SARs Form
Website Integration
Custom Branding
Case Management
Customisable SLAs
Manual ID Verification
Automated ID Verification
ID Verification Safeguards
Automated Notifications
Send Large File Sizes
Custom Reporting
Full Audit Trail & Compliance Reporting
Compliance Features
End to End Encryption
View & Download Visibility
Data Retention Schedules
Message Expiry Period
Pre-populated Recipient Field
Customisable Watermarking
Data retention scheduling
Message Scheduling
Geolocation Auditing Options
Black/White Domain Lists
Self-Hosting Options
Message Retraction

SARs Info Pack

SARs Data Sheet

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