Wizuda’s Compliant Data Transfer solution has been selected for inclusion in the highly respected Pro2col MFT Comparison Guide. Pro2col is an independent consultancy focused on the delivery of world leading secure file share solutions to a global client base.
Since 2003, Pro2col have been trusted to find and implement the best MFT solutions on the market while working with a respected base of registered resellers.
Pro2col’s free and independent guide, which is in its fourth edition compares products from ten vendors side-by-side enabling organisations to quickly shortlist the solution which best suits their specific business requirements and budget.
Speaking about the latest guide release, James Lewis, Pro2col’s Managing Director, said “We’re delighted to have included Wizuda in the fourth edition of the Managed File Transfer Comparison Guide. The products are specifically designed around GDPR requirements, which is naturally the top priority for our clients at the moment. Wizuda makes compliance as easy as possible for organisations.”
Gavin Stewart, Wizuda’s Head of Sales indicated “Pro2col’s experienced technical consultants have rigorously tested our solution and we are proud to have stood up to their exacting standards from both an MFT and GDPR compliance point of view. It really is a significant seal of approval to be included in this guide. Wizuda’s parent company iCONX has built up a significant share of the telco MFT market, with household name clients including Vodafone and Tele2 Russia. It’s pleasing to see our mature MFT product, which now includes a whole host of built in GDPR compliance features being so well received by other industries.”
Download Your Free Copy of the Comparison Guide Here.